Volume 7 Issue 1

Volume 7 Issue 1
Chief Patron | Alhaj Sufi Mohamed Mizanur Rahman Chairman, UITS Board of Trustees & PHP Family |
Patron | Professor Dr. Mohammed Solaiman Vice Chancellor, UITS |
Editor | Professor Dr. Md. Mazharul Hoque Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, UITS |
Associate Editor | Dr. Palash Chandra Karmaker Associate Professor, Department of EEE, UITS |
Members | Professor Dr. Siraj Uddin Ahmed Treasurer (Acting), UITS Professor Dr. K M Saiful Islam Khan Advisor, Board of Trustees, UITS Professor Dr. Mohammad Kaykobad Distinguished Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering Brac University Professor Dr. Pran Kanai Saha Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering BUET, Dhaka Professor Dr. M. Sohel Rahman Department of Computer Science and Engineering BUET, Dhaka Professor Dr. Nazrul Islam Department of Information Technology, UITS Professor Dr. Md. Hadiuzzaman Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman Associate Professor and Head, Department of EEE, UITS Mr. Md. Mahmudul Hasan Assistant Professor and Head, Department of ECE, UITS Professor Dr. Md. Abu Hashan Bhuiyan Director, UITS Research Center |
I am extremely delighted to introduce Volume 7, Issue 1 of the UITS Journal of Science and Engineering. This Journal aims at providing a magnificent platform to publish up-to-date, high-quality and original scientific research papers within the broad fields and associated areas of Science, Engineering and Technology. In order to maintain the highest level of transparency and high standard of review, the Journal presently follows the rigorous and quick review process engaging a pool of noted independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the papers. This issue of the Journal contains 8 articles covering a wide range of contemporary topics of interest to academics, researchers, scholars, practitioners and advanced level students in the disciplines of transportation engineering, pavement construction, electrical, electronic and communication engineering, computer science and engineering, mathematics and statistics. On behalf of the Editorial Board, I wish to extend my sincerest thanks to our authors, reviewers, researchers and officials for their invaluable works, co-operation and contributions. The UITS authority and the Board of Trustees are firmly committed to extend their whole-hearted support in further promoting scientific research activities and academic pursuits in an effort to transform UITS into the network of institutions of excellence in scientific, engineering and technological education and research. Both theoretical and practice-oriented papers either individual or collaborative, research notes, including case studies and reviews are encouraged and such submissions would be much appreciated for further enrichment and continued success of the Journal. The Board of Editors is indeed very much eager to welcome the authors and contributors. The UITS Journal of Science and Engineering is an open-access journal which allows all contents available without any charge to the individual user and/or any institution and can use them for lawful purpose giving authors due recognition. The Editor holds the final decision in any case of publication of papers in the Journal.
UITS Journal of Science & Engineering
Volume: 7, Issue: 1
ISSN: 2521-8107
Website: www.uits.edu.bd
E-mail: journal@ uits.edu.bd
Published in January 2020.
Copyright Reserved by UITS Research Center
(Text or portions of the journal may be quoted by acknowledgment)
Published by
UITS Research Center
University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS)
Local: BDT 250
Foreign: US$ 10
Cover Design
Emdad Hosen Sajib
ID: 16259518
Department of Civil Engineering (EVE.), UITS
Computer Support
Md. Sajib Miah
UITS Research Center
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