UITS Journal – Volume -1 , Issue-2

Mohammed Jamil Shaila Salahuddin, Hasina Akter ,Md. Shahjahan
Abstract:The fatty oil was extracted from the crushed bark of Cinnamomum zeylanicum1 (Dalchini) with pet ether (bp 60-80OC). It is soluble in hexane, benzene, chloroform and pet ether. Some properties of the oil such as acid value, Iodine value, saponification value and unsaponified matter were determined. They were found to be 13.85, 89.33, 140.60, 23.54% respectively (Table-1). The moderate Iodine value indicates that the Dalchini bark oil is non-drying in nature. Moreover, the low acid value of the oil indicates the good quality of the oil for edible purpose and low peroxide value shows its quite stable nature. The fatty acid contents of the oil were determined by glc. Identification and quantification of the individual components of the fatty acids were done by comparing the retention time of methyl esters of acid content with the reference acids. The analysis showed that the Dalchini fatty oil contained undecanoic acid (2.43%), linoleic acid (26.08), Stearic acid (47.68%), palmitic acid (15.58%), lauric acid (0.5%) and oleic acid (7.73) (Table-2).
Money Management Education for the Adolescent Girls and Women in Bangladesh
Bushra Zaman1, Mohit Prodhan, M. Mostafizur Rahman Khan
Abstract: The article explores the necessity of money management education in Bangladesh especially for the adolescent girls and women who are engaged in money making activities. It also examines the situation of money management education of adolescent girls and women who are in school as well as out of school in the country. The study is based mainly on qualitative and case based in which knowledge, attitude and practice regarding money management education were explored. Findings suggest that formal savings through banking in the country is not common and popular. However, findings revealed that due to lack of proper knowledge on money management education adolescent girls as well as women misused and abused their money even the loan which they took from financial institutions. In respect to formal, non formal and other institution, there is no particular subject as well as ways through which adolescent girls and women who are out of school can be given minimum knowledge on money management education.
Plea Bargaining: An Analysis of its Prospects in the Criminal Justice Administration of Bangladesh
Nadia Shabnam
Abstract: One of the cardinal principles of criminal justice is that nobody is to be compelled by threat, promise or inducement in any criminal case to be a witness against themselves. As a result, it is an uphill task for the prosecution to unearth a crime, bring the witnesses in support of his case, rebut the defense arguments and prove the case beyond all reasonable doubts. These tasks become difficult for want of resources, manpower in the prosecution, and sluggishness of government officials, political interruption and importantly pervasive corruption in the criminal justice delivery process in Bangladesh. Against this backdrop, plea-bargaining can play an important role to address many of these issues. An attempt is made here to analyze the practices of plea bargaining in different regions and in different legal systems of the world. Based on experience of other countries, several recommendations are made for incorporating it in our criminal procedure.
Renovating TCP Segment by Reducing the Length of Sequence number & Acknowledgement Number
Joya Das, Md. Rezaul Karim, Prosun Mozumder
Abstract: This paper deals with throughput by reducing the sequence number bits and acknowledgement bits of Transmission Control Protocol ((TCP). TCP segment uses 32 bit for sequence numbering. But it is actually unnecessary to allocate such a large number of bits for sequencing which has a direct effect on data transfer speed. In this paper it is observed that the same activity is done by allocating only 16 bits for sequence numbering. For sequence numbering, a random number is generated between 100 and 1000 that can increase the number up to 65534 for a queue. After this sequencing technique the packet will be transferred and the receiver will be informed to lock the packet slot. If there is a need for extra sequence number, a new random number is selected and a new queue will be designed. When all the packet transfer has been finished, those will be sorted in First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis. As a consequence 16 bits from the acknowledgement slot is also reduced.
Keywords: Segment, Initial Sequence Number (ISN), TCP, FIFO
Application of SCADA for Controlling Electrical Power System Network
Rajib Baran Roy
Abstract: Cinnamomum Due to the rapid development in automation system, the remote operation, control and monitoring are necessary for any modern system. The SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) facilitates this remote operation, control and monitoring for industrial automation. The SCADA is also widely used for overall operation of modern power system. This paper is about the application of SCADA in overall operation, control and monitoring of transmission and distribution system of electrical network of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. The paper justifies the suitability of utilization of SCADA for remote controlling of electrical power system network of Dhaka city which can be implemented for controlling the overall power system network of Bangladesh. The 132 and 33KV circuit breakers of power system network of Dhaka city are generally controlled by SCADA. The daily operation, load management and system faults are monitored by the SCADA for managing the overall system with minimum supervision and manpower. The SCADA system comprises RTU (Remote Telemetry Unit), microwave communication network and RCS (Remote Control Server). The SPIDER software, which is a open platform for horizontal and vertical integration of power control center uses UNIX based operating system is used for SCADA of DPDC.
Shrimp Culture in Some Areas of Paikgacha and its Surrounding Reality
Syed Ashik-E-Elahi
Abstract: Shrimp sector stands as one of the vital foreign currency earning commodities of Bangladesh. However, it has immensely bad impact too. The government, policy makers and shrimp traders are encouraging shrimp culture without considering the social, environmental, cultural, political, and many other pessimistic impacts of it. Though shrimp culture is economically profitable for the big farmers, it is increasing landless fellow and local women are losing their traditional jobs. It results ecological, occupational, cultural, power structural and other changes. This sector demands comparative study in the coastal region. Lack of knowledge of the impacts of shrimp culture makes the issue more critical. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the problems and study the grass root level. Nevertheless, there has been a very few studies in this context. Therefore, at present it is very much rational to focus on the changes due to shrimp cultivation.
Arif Rana, Nazia Nabi, Md. Nazmul Hasan3
Abstract: Managers are the cogwheels of an organisational management system. To run and sustain an organisation effectively, the major competitive advantages will be its ability to attract, develop, excite and retain talent. Humans are not machines but they do play the vital role to run business. Maintenance here in this very sense means keeping the satisfaction level of the employee at a certain threshold which, in turns, keeps the morale high enough to enjoy work, face challenges, be innovative and turns the staff /employee as a committed person, thus resulting in win-win situation both for the employer as well as the employee. This paper focuses on talent management, effective and cost-efficient talent management strategy to understand the issues that are essentials for the organisation from talent acquisition to performance management, succession planning, learning and development, and more.
Key words: Talent Management, Performance Management, Succession Planning, Mentor, Motivators.
A Study of TBLT Approach: An Experiment of Sample Lesson and Preparing Lesson Plan for EFL Classroom
Serajum Munira , Syeda Afsana Ferdousi
Abstract: The implication of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in English teaching continues to draw attention of language Teachers and Researchers. This study explores how task-based language teaching approach can be implemented for the colleges under National University in Bangladesh. An experiment was conducted to discover 42 students’ participation of a college under National University about the implication of TBLT method and uncovered the factors affecting the implementation of TBLT in the classroom. By observing two departments, this study also examined how intended method was appropriate for tertiary level to develop their ability to use English in an all-round way. The results of the experiment imply that by applying TBLT students will be able to exchange information effectively through both spoken and written channels, and at the same time will be able to enhance their ability to study independently.
Keywords: Task, monitoring, input, feedback, action point etc
The Impact of the Advertisements on the Social Networking Sites: A Case Study on the Social Networking Users of Bangladesh
Khonika Gope
Abstract: The major benefit of social network advertising is that the advertisers can take advantage of the users’ demographic information and target their advertisements appropriately. But recently targeted advertisements have created some controversies as many consider it as an invasion of privacy. This paper tried to find out the impact of advertisement on Social Networking Sites on the users. The study found that most of the users consider targeted advertisement as invasion of privacy regardless of the extent to which they consider privacy as an important factor in Social Networking Sites. The paper also found that response towards ads can be changed through innovative ads. The enthusiasm and demand for different features and innovativeness were evident among the users. This paper also found a relationship between priorities for logging into Social Networking Sites and the habit of going through an advertisement.
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Occupational Inequality in Bangladesh Society: A Quantitative Analysis
Dr. Arifatul Kibria
Abstract:As occupation is the vital issue for workable human being, so among it a huge disparity is remaining. In this regard, a quantitative data analysis had been launched to get the actual situation of Bangladesh. To get the information, 2005-6 Labor Force Survey raw data had been collected and multinomial regression analysis and statistical package for social sciences technique had been taken out. A large percentage of voluntarily unemployed population found where most of them were women. As the 76.3 percent of population comes through 88.44 percent of household that resides in rural area, its agricultural production is decreasing day by day. A huge occupational inequality incurred from gender discrepancy, educational qualification, poverty, geographical location, religiosity, working period/hour, social and economic status, household situation, income etc. All these factors have a great influence and impact on occupational inequality. These obstacles need to be changed for overcoming the situation.
Keywords: Occupation, employment, voluntarily unemployed
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Planar Drawing of Bipartite Graph by Eliminating Minimum Number of Edges
Muhammad Golam Kibria, Muhammad Oarisul Hasan Rifat, Md. Shakil Ahamed
Abstract: A graph is said to be bipartite if its vertices can be partitioned into two subsets such that each edge of graph connects a vertex of one set to another. A planar drawing is more understandable than its clumsy drawing. Not all complete bipartite graphs have planar drawings, objectives of this research is to obtain the minimum number(s) of edges that must be eliminated for finding planar drawing. A drawing algorithm for finding the planar drawings of complete bipartite graphs has been proposed and furthermore the maximum number of edges in the planar drawing of complete bipartite graph has been found.
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UITS Journal. ISSN: 2226-3128 (Print)