Volume 6 Issue 1

Table of Contents
- President’s Prerogative of Clemency in Bangladesh: An Analysis
Page: 7-26Dr. A. S. M. Tariq Iqbal - Substance Abuse and Rehabilitations: Role of a Social Worker
Page: 27-38Dr. Arifatul Kibria - Dostoevsky’s Influence on Saul Bellow in the Context of Urbanization and Materialism
Page: 39-54Farha Naz - An Analysis of Chinua Achebe’s No Longer at Ease in the light of Aimé Césaire’s Discourse on Colonialism
Page: 55-64Mahbuba Sarker Shama - Determining the Critical Success Factors of Total Quality Management (TQM) for Sustainable Social Development
Page: 65-80Md. Sajedur Rahman - Prufrock: A Modern Seeker for Postmodern Resolution
Page: 81-88Md. Abdul Momen Sarker , Ms Barnali Talukder , Syeda Afsana Ferdousi - Examining the Similarities and Differences between Business Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Study
Page: 89-108Md. Mamin Ulalh, Nusrat Sharmin Lipy - Some aspects of contributing factors to booming E-Commerce in Bangladesh and its prospect
Page: 109-120Naznine Akter, Kanij Fatema, Mohit Prodhan - To Search for an Effective Model of Constitutional Court for Bangladesh: An Analysis
Page: 121-132Nadia Shabnam, Biswanath Bhattacharjee - Language and its Relationship with Gender: A Study on Sociolinguistics Perspectives
Page: 133-140Naima Afrin, Anika Afrin - A Just and Equitable Development Model for Bangladesh
Page: 141-158Supad Kumar Ghose - Chinese Financial Aid to Bangladeshi Students’ education: An analysis the Impact on Social Sustainability
Page: 159-174Saifur Rahman - Remedies of tort may strengthen the pillar of civilization
Page: 175-194Shahriar Iqbal - Role of Microcredit in Alleviating Urban Poverty: A Study on Dhaka City
Page: 195-206Silvia Christina Gomes - Second Language Learners’ Ownership of English in the USA: The Influence of Accents
Page: 207-214Shaila Ahmed - Contribution of Non-Governmental Organization in Bangladesh: A case Study on Pathalia union under Savar Thana
Page: 215-238Towfiqul Islam Khan, Md. Risadul Islam, Md. Nurul Islam, Kamrun Nahar Khan Mukti - O’Neill’s Contrived Characters: Experimentation on Alienation and Self-fragmentation
Page: 239-250Tania Tabassum Tanu
President’s Prerogative of Clemency in Bangladesh: An Analysis
Dr. A. S. M. Tariq Iqbal 1
Abstract: The President of Bangladesh is the constitutional head of the state. But the ‘Prerogative of Clemency of the President’ can be exercised with the advice of the ministerial direction. The President is to act according to the wish or advice of the Prime Minister and he cannot apply his individual discretion. The prerogative of clemency to persons convicted of criminal offences is an ancient concept and this power traditionally was vested in heads of states. Every civilized country in its Constitution or in its laws provides a power to grant pardon or remission of sentences, though the means or conditions of grant of pardon vary from country to country. It is imperative that this pardoning power should be exercised only to prevent miscarriage of justice. The object of conferring this judicial power on the President is to correct possible judicial errors, as no human system of judicial administration can be free from imperfections. Exercise of the presidential power to grant clemency over the last few years has led to a perception of the misuse and abuse of such extraordinary constitutional authority. Abuse of this power not only operates against constitutionalism and rule of law, but also besmears the country’s criminal administration of justice and renders it ineffective. This article attempts to closely analyze and evaluate the historical aspects of President’s Prerogative of Clemency and recommend appropriate measures in the light of the findings of the present study.
Keywords: Prerogative, Mercy, Presidential clemency, Judicial review, Fugitive.
Substance Abuse and Rehabilitations: Role of a Social Worker
Dr. Arifatul Kibria[1]
Abstract: Now a days substance abuse is a massive social problem in Bangladesh. Rehabilitations also take part a vital role in facing this pivotal social problem where social workers’ role is needed to revise. Further to find out the inner background of the causes of substance abuse both the primary and secondary sources of data had been collected where a bunch of literature had been perused and few case studies of the abuser and psychiatrist and rehabilitation center had been taken. Social awareness buildup, livelihood pattern and attitudinal changes are the major findings to face the problem.
Keywords: Substance Abuse, Rehabilitations, Social Worker.
Dostoevsky’s Influence on Saul Bellow in the Context of Urbanization and Materialism
Farha Naz[1]
Abstract: Fyodor Mikhailov Dostoevsky (1821- 81), the nineteenth Century modern realistic novelist, in his art and prophetic message has influenced the twentieth century American Jewish novelist Saul Bellow (1915-2015), a Nobel Laureate, in a post war, post-depression era. Despite their distinctive backgrounds or different nationality, time setting, socio- political environment, both of them have depicted urban materialism, homelessness and existential predicament of their protagonists. They protest against dehumanization, faithlessness and hopelessness of their times. Dostoevsky in an atheist, modern, materialist Russia dreamt of a world where Christian spirituality combined with Russian cultural heritage may restore peace and happiness. In Dostoevsky’s oeuvre the urban metropolis pulsates with its crowd. Dostoevsky in his works exposes the urban misery, the individual predicament in a modern city St. Petersburg. In this respect, Dostoevsky influences Bellow since almost all of Bellow’s novels take place in city background. New York and Chicago these mega cities are the most common settings for Bellow’s novels. The protagonists of Bellow are ‘orphans of time.’ In this context, my study will observe how the Russian novelist Dostoevsky has influenced the American novelist Saul Bellow from the perspective of urbanization and materialism.
Keywords: Bellow, Dostoevsky, Influence, Materialism, Urbanization
An Analysis of Chinua Achebe’s No Longer at Ease in the light of Aimé Césaire’s Discourse on Colonialism
Mahbuba Sarker Shama[1]
Abstract: Achebe’s novels on colonialism No Longer at Ease explore the encounter between the British colonizer and the African colonized in the period of Nigerian independence in the 1960s. This novel has been examined from postcolonial perspective by various critics. However, little attention has been paid to the usage of the postcolonial African seminal voices like Aimé Césaire in examining Achebe’s work. This research will make an attempt to fill in that gap in the area of Achebe scholarship. I have read Aimé Césaire’s Discourse on Colonialism and I have applied his observations to see how far Achebe agrees and disagrees with Césaire in his novel. At the end, I have been able to conclude that Achebe agrees with Césaire that colonizers justified violence in the name of civilizing the blacks. Religion and educational ideologies and hegemony are avenues to tear apart the pre-colonial judicial and cooperative Igbo society and the psyches of Africans are ravaged to such an extent that they adopt mimicry.
Keywords: Colonizer, Colonized, Mimicry, Post colonialism, Eurocentric, Colonialism
Determining the Critical Success Factors of Total Quality Management (TQM) for Sustainable Social Development
Md. Sajedur Rahman[1]
ABSTRACT: Many organizations have looked upon total quality management (TQM) as the way by which they could maintain a competitive edge, in recent years. Thus, this study attempted to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) of total quality management (TQM) implementation. Furthermore, this study has reviewed many related literatures which is closely relevant to critical success factors of TQM and its implementation in various sectors. The review is focused on the implementations, the impacts on the organization’s performance and the encouraged indicators to the adoption of TQM in the organization. This study concludes the critical success factors of TQM implementation. Because of lack of identified reason, many organizations do not adopt TQM approach into their organization. However, certain organization already identified the benefits from TQM implementations on their organization performance and they believe this approach could give them a chance to achieving their goals towards sustainable social development.
Keywords: Total Quality Management, Critical Success Factors, Quality programs, Sustainable Social Development.
Prufrock: A Modern Seeker for Postmodern Resolution
Md. Abdul Momen Sarker[1] Ms Barnali Talukder[2]
Syeda Afsana Ferdousi[3]
Abstract: This article mainly reflects on Prufrock’s urge for postmodern deliverance to overcome the anxiety of modernism. To reach this goal, it has deliberately been brought into discussion how Prufrock’s repressed soul strives for deconstructing modernism. Sigmund Freud’s theory of repression, Jacques Derrida’s theory of deconstruction and tenets of modernism as well as postmodernism have been analyzed to draw the conclusion. Prufrock represents the breakdown in belief and thought in contemporary modern world. In doing so, he struggles for establishing his identity as he is. This underlying urge of Prufrock is the area of concentration in this study.
Keywords: Modernism, postmodernism, individualism, repression, deconstruction and identity
Examining the Similarities and Differences between Business Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Study
Md. Mamin Ulalh[1] Nusrat Sharmin Lipy[2]
Abstract: Social entrepreneurship, or entrepreneurial activity with an embedded social purpose, has been on the rise in recent decades. Numerous studies were conducted on the topics of social entrepreneurship. But still there is a lack of consensus among the researchers regarding the concept of social entrepreneurship and what actually differentiate the term social entrepreneurship from business entrepreneurship. This paper aims at mapping a scenario of differences and similarities between ‘social entrepreneurship’ and ‘business entrepreneurship’ based on the thorough analysis of existing literature. The paper has found that still the term ‘social entrepreneurship’ is confusing among the scholars and is often misunderstood with the term ‘business entrepreneurship’. The paper provided a list of key differences and similarities which is supposed to contribute to the existing literature of social entrepreneurship.
Keywords: business entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship.
Some aspects of contributing factors to booming E-Commerce in Bangladesh and its prospect
Naznine Akter[1] Kanij Fatema[2] Mohit Prodhan[3]
Abstract: The e-commerce sector in Bangladesh is experiencing great changes these years. As online shopping is popularized as well as the general ICT-industry is developed, more and more young Bangladeshis are ready to explore the possibilities that the digital world has to offer. The popularity of online shopping and ICT development as a part of government commitment of turning digital Bangladesh play an important role in blooming e-commerce. Besides 3G internet adaption has accelerated the rapid growth of e-commerce. The purpose of this paper is to find out the factors prevailing in Bangladesh contributing to remarkable growth of e-commerce in last few years. It also discusses present and future growth prospective of e-commerce for coming decades.
Keywords: E-commerce, online Shopping, ICT development, F-commerce.
To Search for an Effective Model of Constitutional Court for Bangladesh: An Analysis
Nadia Shabnam[1], Biswanath Bhattacharjee[2]
Abstract: A court that deals primarily with constitutional law is known as a Constitutional Court. Its main authority is to see whether or not laws that are challenged do conflict with constitutionally established rights and freedoms. In many countries there is no separate constitutional court, but they instead delegate constitutional judicial authority to their Supreme Courts. A separate constitutional court is not merely a thematic notion but also an effective mechanism to deal with constitutional matters and to be considered as a separate, independent authority apart from other subordinate and superior courts; one that can also prove to be effective in Bangladesh. The paper will find the salient features of constitutional courts throughout the world in different forms and suggest an effective model of constitutional court which will guarantee the basic rights and freedoms of all citizens and thus ensure the rule of law of the land in the real sense.
Key-words; constitutional court, separate and independent, politicization, rule of law, rationale.
Language and its Relationship with Gender: A Study on Sociolinguistics Perspectives
Naima Afrin [1], Anika Afrin[2]
Abstract: In all known societies, gender is a key construct, involving binary distinctions such as man–woman, male–female, masculine–feminine, and in all known societies language plays a crucial role in constructing and maintaining these distinctions. Women’s and men’s language usage has been found to vary in terms of grammar and pronunciation as well as in terms of conversational strategies such as hedging and turn-taking. There are many different—and conflicting—explanations for gender differentiation in language and the sociolinguistic understanding of gender has changed greatly in the last 20 years. Next, in the 1970s and 1980s, came a period which recognized the cultural construction of categories such as gender. During this period, more qualitative, ethnographic approaches predominated. In recent research, a more dynamic social constructionist approach has emerged which makes possible the combination of quantitative and qualitative research. It is also observed that any Influence of gender roles in language choice has become a very regular issue in day to day conversation. When we speak in a conversation, differences are created automatically between men and women. Now a days, a variation in using a language is seen mostly among the young people of Bangladesh.. Gender variation in language use has become a very common issue in everyday discourses of our life. This paper examines the differences and reasons behind difference of language use among the students of private universities of Dhaka city in Bangladesh. Questionnaires were given to twenty students of two private universities of Dhaka to conduct the survey. It was found that there are differences in case of language use between the two genders- male and female and their way of expressing any feeling through a language is also dissimilar.
Key words: Language, Gender, conversational strategies, Gender variation, Formal and Informal Language.
A Just and Equitable Development Model for Bangladesh
Supad Kumar Ghose[1]
Abstract: Defying all pessimistic predictions, Bangladesh has turned out to be a success story in terms of growth and development. International development experts have also discovered Bangladesh as a puzzling but a success story. As a result, Bangladesh is now cited as a role model for other developing countries. However, the much vaunted development model that Bangladesh has been pursing is highly unjust and inequitable. Accordingly, it makes a critique of the Neo-Liberal Model of Development (NLMD). Such terms as inequality, structural adjustment, privatization, micro-credit and slave like labor in our Garments Industry are also criticized. Instead, it aims to suggest a just and equitable model of development as an alternative that purports to be spatially even, inclusive, participatory, ecologically sound, gender neutral, mitigatory of class antagonism, fair in delivering education and health services to all, and above all, sustainable in the long run. This paper seeks to follow a balanced methodology.
Key words: Neoliberal Model of Development, Inequality, Alternative Model of Development
Chinese Financial Aid to Bangladeshi Students’ education: An analysis theImpact on Social Sustainability
Saifur Rahman[1]
Abstract : China provides educational financial aid (EFA) for developing countries like Bangladesh. A good number of Bangladeshi students are studying in China. They get educated from Chinese language Program (CLP) and other study field (OSF). To analyze the impact of Chinese EFA on social sustainability in-depth interview was conducted. The sample number was twelve. Six of them belonged to CLP and rests of them were from OSF. Threefold outline approach, namely, Vallance, S., Perkins, H.C., Dixon, J.E.(2011), were applied for this study. It is a qualitative analysis. According to both groups’ responses, it was found how EFA impacted on development of social sustainability (healthy food, medication, accommodation, education, expanding job field and equity). Chinese language was the underlying factor for maintenance of social sustainability provisions (Cultural access, social network, Quality of life, pleasant work and Participation & empowerment etc.). CLP group was in advantageous position due to their Chinese language skill. However, CLP group students referred how EFA implicitly impacted on bridging social sustainability (Transformative – behave with environment, human and others/animal; Non-transformative- relevant information of environment and concerned services to solve environmental problem). The OSF group did not mention any considerable role of EFA/ education regarding human & eco-system relation of transformative bridge sustainability as well as non-transformative bridge sustainability.
Keyword- Financial aid, Scholarship, Social sustainablity, Development sustainability, Maintenance sustainability, Bridge sustainablity.
Remedies of tort may strengthen the pillar of civilization
Shahriar Iqbal[1]
Abstract: Civilization has not come in a day rather human being have been civilized with a long passage of time .Civilization is the result of many elementary things; such as progress in the agriculture, urbanization, occupational specialization etc. Society got a civilized shape by these elements and it become orderly after the enforcement of written code or law. Since remedy based on tort is a legal remedy, it may add and ensure the comfort of the people who are suffered from subtle and minor pang resulting people are more cautious about their rights and duty which may culminate a strong civilized society.
Key words: Law of tort and civilization
Role of Microcredit in Alleviating Urban Poverty: A Study on Dhaka City
Silvia Christina Gomes[1]
Abstract: A systematic development of a nation largely depends on the proper mitigation of poverty. For this reason poverty alleviation has become great challenge especially in the developing countries, both in rural and urban regions. In the present study an attempt has been made to know about the role of microcredit in alleviating urban poverty in district Dhaka, Bangladesh. The target population of the present study was those who had availed microcredit facilities from some microcredit providing institutions or organizations. A qualitative approach was selected as the research method for this study, through the use of five semi-structured interviews. Major findings revealed that access to microcredit has positive and significant impact on poverty alleviation among the urban masses. The results showed that microcredit programs are effective in increasing borrower’s income, uplifting their living standard and also empowering women. However, an argument on the issue of high interest rate and over dependency on loans were also found in the study. In spite of the discussion about the challenges, it is hard to overlook the strong relationship between microcredit and alleviation of urban poverty examined from the study.
Keywords: Microcredit, Urban Poverty, Socio-economic impact, Women empowerment, and Poverty alleviation.
Second Language Learners’ Ownership of English in the USA: The Influence of Accents
Shaila Ahmed[1]
Abstract: This article presents how accent and ownership is perceived among L2 learners. In order to accomplish the task this study attempts to answer the question: In what way does the perception of ESL students’ accent influence their sense of ownership of English? It begins with the background by looking at accent, ownership, ESL and then it illustrates the “structuralist” and “post-structuralist” approaches. Finally, this article recommends adopting “post-structuralist approach” by English teachers.
Keywords: Accent, Ownership, ESL, Structuralist and Post-Structuralist Approaches.
Contribution of Non-Governmental Organization in Bangladesh: A case study on Pathalia union under Savar Thana
Towfiqul Islam Khan[1] Md. Risadul Islam[2] Md. Nurul Islam[3] Kamrun Nahar Khan Mukti[4]
Abstract: Non-governmental organization performs shoulder to shoulder with Bangladesh government from 1970 in various development sectors. This study represents the present scenario about the contribution of non-governmental organizations both socio-economic and environmental development sector in Pathalia Union under savar thana. It helps to realize the overall contribution pattern of non-governmental organizations throughout the country of those sectors. Primary data are collected from NGOS, Pathalia Union Parishad, local people of pathalia through questionnaire, field survey, and interview and focused group discussion to investigate the non-governmental contribution. Secondary data are collected from secondary sources like journals, newspapers, websites etc. for compare the present situation of development contribution. This study result reveals the problems that have faced by Non-governmental organizations to perform their operation and the problems of local people for their (NGOS) operations. This research will be helpful to recover those problems for the developing country.
Key words: Socio-economic, Environment, Ngos, Developing, Savar and Bangladesh.
O’Neill’s Contrived Characters: Experimentation on Alienation and Self-fragmentation
Tania Tabassum Tanu [1]
Abstract– Eugene O’Neill, the modern American playwright, doesn’t deal with generalized social quandary or political warp rather the characters of his plays are contrived in psychological agony to interpret these problems or distortions. While dealing with The Hairy Ape and Desire under the Elms, the author of this paper examines the casts of Yank and Ephraim Cabot, the protagonist of these plays respectively, and tries to delve into their struggle-within in the context of 20th century modern American. Being unable to reciprocate with the very essence of modernism due to their own stern primitive beliefs, consequently, they have lost the pace with this ever-evolving modern world. Yank and Cabot are not only isolated from the society just because of the war effect, migration and mechanized social milieu but also suffer being alienated from their own selves. The author here strives to prove that O’Neill’s characters are somewhat contrived, and are torn by alienation and self-fragmentation.
Key Words: modern American society, stern belief, alienation, self-fragmentation, belongingness.
UITS Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences. ISSN: 2663-1105 (Print)