UITS Journal – Volume -3 , Issue-2

UITS Journal – Volume -3 , Issue-2

Editorial Board

Chief Patron Sufi Mohammed Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury
Chairman, PHP Group & UITS Board of Trustees
Chief Advisor Professor Dr. Muhammad Samad

Vice Chancellor, UITS

Chief Editor Professor Dr. KM Saiful Islam Khan

Pro-Vice Chancellor, UITS

Editor Professor Mohammad Farid Uddin Khan

Director, UITS Research Center, UITS

Associate Editor Dr. Arifatul Kibria

Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work, UITS

Members Professor A N M Shareef

Dean, School of Business, UITS


Professor Dr. XU Yongxiang, Department of Social Work

East China University of Science and Technology, China.


Professor Dr. Noboto Iwata

Director, WTO Research Center, Japan


Dr. Mario A. Garcia

School of Engineering and Computing Science

Texas A&M University, USA


Professor Dr. Dulal C Kar

School of Engineering and Computing Science

Texas A&M University, USA


Professor Dr. P.K. Sen
Department of Applied Mechanics
lndian lnstitute of Technology, Delhi


Professor Dr. S. N. Bera
Department of Journalism & Mass Communication
University of Calcutta


Dr. Afzal Ahmed

Associate Professor and Dean

School of Computer Science and Engineering, UITS


Dr. Shaila Salahuddin
Associate Professor and Dean,
School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, UITS


Dr. Supratip Ghosh
Associate Professor & Head, Department of CSE-IT, UITS


Dr. Mizanur Rahman
Associate Professor and Head,
Department of Electric and Electronics Engineering, UITS


Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam

Assistant Professor and Head

Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, UITS

Editor's Note
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UITS Journal

Volume: 3, Issue: 2
ISSN: 2226-3128
Website: www.uits.edu.bd
E-mail: journal@ uits.edu.bd

Published in June, 2014
Copyright Reserved by UITS.
(Text or portions of the journal may be quoted by acknowledgement)

Published by
UITS Research Center
University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS)

IT Support
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE-IT
Graphics Design
Nazmus Sayadath Rhythm

Local: BDT 250.
Foreign: US$ 10

Printed By
69, Fakirapool Islam Bhaban,

University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS)
GA 37/1, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, J- Block, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.

UITS Journal.  ISSN: 2226-3128 (Print)